"Movie" Episode 1.0
Air date: 8/27/00
Grade (on a scale of 10): 7.5
Episode 1.1
Air Date: 6/12/01
Grade: 8
Episode 1.2
Airdate: 6/19/01
Grade: 7
Episode 1.3
Air Date: 6/26/01
Grade: 8.5
Episode 1.4
Air Date: 07/03/01
Grade: 7
Episode 1.5
Air Date: 07/10/01
Grade: 6
Episode 1.6
Air Date: 7/17/01
Grade: 9
Episode 1.7
Air Date: 7/24/01
Grade: 7
Episode 1.8
Air Date: 7/31/01
Grade: 9.5
Episode 9.1
Air Date: 08/07/01
Grade: 8
Episode 1.10
Air Date: 8/14/01
Grade: 6
Episode 1.11
Air Date: 08/14/01
Grade: 6.5
"Emergence & Destiny"
Episode 2.1 & 2.2
Air Date: 06/16/02
Main Entry: emer·gence Pronunciation: i-'m&r-j&n(t)s Function:
noun Date: 1704 1 : the act or an instance of emerging 2 : any of various superficial
outgrowths of plant tissue usually formed from both epidermis and immediately underlying tissues 3 : penetration
of the soil surface by a newly germinated plant
Main Entry: des·ti·ny Pronunciation: 'des-t&-nE Function: noun Inflected
Form(s): plural -nies Etymology: Middle English destinee, from Middle French, from feminine of destiné,
past participle of destiner Date: 14th century 1 : something to which a person or thing is
2 : a predetermined course of events often held to be an irresistible
power or agency
Description: It's a little bit of deja vu. Sara is once again chosen to weild the ancient gauntlet.
As she "remembers" it's powers it is slowly revealed to her that some people will stop it nothing to get the power she now
posseses. While investigating a homicide at the headquarters of a local internet website, Sara discovers that she is in the
middle of a battle. A fight to preserve her destiny. Her introduction to the dark knight, Ian Nottingham, is brief but rememberable.
Ian, Kenneth Irons body guard, reveals his masters intentions. Kenneth Irons, the eccentric business man,
now weilds the witchblade's opposite, its converse. He will stop it nothing to confront the witchblade and it's weilder
and win.....
Grade: 7
Episode 2.3
Air Date: 06/17/02
Main Entry: 1aga·pe Pronunciation: ä-'gä-(")pA, 'ä-g&-"pA Function:
noun Etymology: Late Latin, from Greek agapE, literally, love Date: 1607 1 : LOVE FEAST 2
:Love 4a
Main Entry: 2agape Pronunciation: &-'gAp also -'gap Function:
adjective or adverb Date: 1667 1 : wide open : gaping 2
: being in a state of wonder
Description: A series of drug related homicides start to surface. Sara goes to investage while
having a not so pleasant run in with a not so pleasant fellow cop, Dean Gorner. Sara lends Dean the rookie Jake McCartey to
help him in bringing down some bad guys. Dean sets up Jake making it seem like Jake had a break down and killed the people
he was supposed to make a purchase from. Jake goes on the run and Dean takes the drugs and money from a crime scence. Jake
gets caught and brings Dean in to the drug lords. Sara and Danny drop in and try to help jake.
Grade: 5.5
Episode 2.4
Air Date: 06/24/02
Main Entry: 1 consectatio
1: Striving, pursuit
Description: Ian Nottingham is possesed by the spirit of his dead boss, the bitter and restless
Kenneth Irons. Being driven from beyond the grave Ian calls on some old "friends" and puts out a hit on Sara Pezzini.
Sara uncovers Ian's plans with the help of a Summerian Myth. Foresakening his actions, realizing what he has done, and gaining
back himself, Ian goes to put a stop to the deal he has made. Sara must now ignore what has happened or save the mysterious
Grade: 9.8
Episode 2.5
Air Date: 07/01/02
Main Entry: 1stat·ic Pronunciation: 'sta-tik Function: adjective Etymology:
New Latin staticus, from Greek statikos causing to stand, skilled in weighing, from histanai to cause
to stand, weigh -- more at STAND Date: 1638 1 : exerting force by reason of weight
alone without motion 2 : of or relating to bodies at rest or forces in equilibrium 3 : showing
little change <a static population> 4 a : characterized by a lack of movement, animation, or
progression b : producing an effect of repose or quiescence <a static design> 5 a :
standing or fixed in one place : STATIONARY b of water : stored in a tank
but not under pressure 6 : of, relating to, or producing stationary charges of electricity : ELECTROSTATIC 7
: of, relating to, or caused by radio static - stat·i·cal /-ti-k&l/ adjective - stat·i·cal·ly /-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb
Main Entry: 2static Function: noun Etymology: static electricity Date:
1913 1 : noise produced in a radio or television receiver by atmospheric or various natural or man-made electrical
disturbances; also : the electrical disturbances producing this noise 2 : heated opposition
or criticism - stat·icky /'sta-ti-kE/ adjective
Grade: 5